Nutrition Counselling

Dietary suggestions for improving and maintaining your pet's general health and well-being.

The nutrition of your loyal companion should never be taken for granted. Proper nutrition helps your pet develop to their full potential and it helps them stay healthy. We have experienced in-house specialists who can guide you on your pet’s nutritional needs. Having a proper diet can prevent your pet from developing conditions like diabetes, obesity, kidney failure, arthritis and heart disease. To learn more about nutrition counselling for your pet, please give us a call at 604-856-7707.

What happens during a nutrition consultation?

Our knowledgeable nutrition advisors will provide your pet with personalized care and a tailored food plan. We examine your pet’s diet and its relation to their health. We ask questions about their feeding schedule and the foods they eat. We’ll consider your answers and the observations we’ve made of your pet’s body and overall health to make nutritional recommendations. We may recommend special diets where some foods are removed or reduced.

While this service is included with a wellness exam, if your pet is coming in for only a nutrition consultation with our nutrition advisor, a $35.00 (+ taxes ) fee applies.

How can I choose the right foods for my pet?

With the many food products available for purchase, it can be challenging to choose just one. Chances are you may want to select brands based on how much your pet likes them, but the nutritional value may be lacking. When you’re having trouble choosing the right foods for your pet, don’t hesitate to ask your veterinarian for their recommendations. We will tell you to look for foods with a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and fats. If you need more help decoding the ingredient lists or choosing appropriate portion sizes for your pet, please reach out to our team.

What should I feed my puppy or kitten?

Puppies and kittens need special foods because they have unique dietary needs. When browsing through the complex array of choices, look for items made for your pet’s age group. We offer age-appropriate food products on our website and in-house for purchase.

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