Weight Management

Helping you maintain your pet at a healthy weight to enhance their life.

Your pet’s weight can determine the quality of life they live. We believe in addressing your pet’s weight problem before it causes them to develop diseases like arthritis or diabetes.

We offer a weight management program that is judgment-free and geared towards getting your pet to a healthy weight. For just $49.99 (+ taxes), you’ll receive unlimited weigh-ins until your pet meets their goal weight, along with personalized food plans and regular follow-ups. Plus, each program includes a nail trim!

How do I know if my pet is overweight?

The best way to know if your pet is overweight is to have your veterinarian examine them. It is impossible to tell the difference between your pet being overweight or obese by only looking at them. We can establish their ideal weight based on their breed, age, size, etc. Then, we can determine if they are overweight or obese. In general, you can tell that your pet is overweight if they appear rounder in the abdomen area.

How can I help manage my pet’s weight?

After assessing your pet’s weight and how it affects their health, your veterinarian will make specific adjustments to their lifestyle, including a specialized diet and exercise. We strongly recommend that you get your veterinarian’s input before you attempt to help your pet lose or gain weight. This way, we can ensure it is done in the right way. Here are some general guidelines that can keep your pet’s weight in check:

  1. Schedule their meal times. Having a set time to eat helps curb your pet’s appetite and prevents them from overeating.
  2. Give them less treats. Treats should take up no more than 10% of your pet’s daily calories. You can use more cuddles or playtime to reward good behaviour.
  3. Keep them active. Even if your pet is older they require exercise to help them burn calories and stay healthy.
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