Blog: Services


Each year, thousands of pets get separated from their loving guardians and home. To avoid being separated from your furry friend, we recommend getting them a microchip. Microchips stay in their body forever and cannot be removed or stolen (unlike ID tags and collars). Implanting the chip is painless and…

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy has been used for years in humans and has recently been adopted in veterinary medicine. It helps relieve pain and discomfort; many pets usually show significant improvement. This form of therapy is pain-free, non-invasive and completely safe for your loyal companion. 


Caring for your terminally ill or older pet is a massive undertaking for any pet parent. Trying to handle the situation on your own can be overwhelming, which is why we offer hospice and euthanasia services when needed. Coming to terms with saying goodbye to your furry friend will be…


By examining only the external organs a veterinarian won’t have a full understanding of your pet’s health. Endoscopy is a way to explore your pet’s insides without surgery. When your pet is showing signs of illness like weight loss, vomiting or diarrhea, endoscopy is one of the exams we can…